Generosity of Thrifters

A quick post because words escape me. Depending on the day and circumstances, I tend to avoid other thrifters. I really enjoy having a low profile, staying as focused as possible. That works well in most ways but sometimes I become isolated. It’s a habit that I’m working to drop because the cost is simply too high. It stopped working for me a long time ago. I used it like a trusty weapon when it wasn’t safe to be vulnerable and naive. Hard to put down something that, without a doubt,saved my life. Times have changed, though. No going back to the old way of being out in the world around people.

This beautiful crystal bowl is a gift from a stranger at a local thrift shop. We’ve chatted before and I thought I knew her enough to say we didn’t agree on a lot. I overheard political views and I closed myself off based on my own judgments. She found this French lead crystal vintage piece and we had a great conversation about incredible finds we came across over the years. There was a second lady in the circle we formed and we really talked for a few minutes. Later, as they came to find me in another isle and offered the bowl asking if I wanted it. I was incredibly happy , so touched by the gesture. I even heard how much she appreciated meeting me and connecting over our love of vintage pieces. My heart melted. It was a pivotal moment.

I want to put this out there, mostly to remind myself that I rarely know the other person’s story. Quick assessments and harsh judgment is isolating. Yes, we were different in many ways but essentially we were the same. Let that be enough.

If you’re reading this and recognize yourself as the gracious, fun, and thoughtful shopper that day, please know how grateful I am.

Thrifters unite!

Thanks for listening! ❤️


Election Day 2024 🇺🇸


Happy Pumpkin Spice Season to all who celebrate!