Happy Pumpkin Spice Season to all who celebrate!

Happy September

A quick entry to share this recipe of a pumpkin spice latte I found on the Everyday Cheapskate website. I want to give it a try. That’s a great site with a ton of great tips, articles, research and a lovely writer, Mary Hunt. I’ve been following her for years and she hasn’t steered me wrong. I post my results in a day or two. Now, this is not to rush into Autumn and the cold weather. Not at all!

The weather here in NY has been beautiful. It changes quickly after Labor Day. One weekend it’s hot, sunny and humid. Everyone is in the pool or walking around in flip flops and the very next weekend, not so much. The thought of jumping into a pool seems insane. Happens almost every year since I can remember.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

2 Tbsp pumpkin puree

1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice (bought or homemade)

2 Tbsp white sugar (optional)

pinch of black pepper

1 cup half and half or whole milk

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 cup strong hot coffee or espresso

Whipped Cream for topping (optional)

  • Heat all but the coffee, whipped cream, and vanilla in a sauce pan until hot but not boiled, take off the heat, whisk until frothy.

  • Add vanilla extract after whisking

  • Pour coffee into large mug, add frothy mixture on top, top with whipped cream, garnish with cinnamon stick, sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice, whatever you like.

Let me know if you like the recipe. If this is an interest, I have more really great pumpkin pie spiced recipes to add, like baked pumpkin oatmeal ( I’m getting hungry just thinking about it).


Generosity of Thrifters


Labor Day 2024